The first online video course for stress management, holistic health, relaxation and self-empowerment. Over 25 online videos with a targeted mix of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. Simple and for everyone.
Stress less, Choose Happiness Online Video Course
Get relaxed and focused. Anytime, anywhere.
Amodini knows that your time commitment is limited if you want to learn to relieve stress. That’s why this online course was designed specifically for busy people with hectic schedules. Upon completion of the course, we’ll provide you with a personalized self-practice routine to help you continue your path to success. All it takes is 10 minutes a day.
Amodini was founded by Bettina Maul
We know how difficult it is to balance a demanding job with a healthy and happy lifestyle. “I am no cave-dwelling yogi. For 15 years, I worked in multinational companies and climbed the corporate ladder. On the outside, everything seemed perfect – but something was missing. And I figured out how to find those missing pieces. My passion is to share this process with you.”
In this online video programme we guide you in 3 steps to a happier and healthier life.

1. Watch, study and practice
25+ online videos.
Get step-by-step guidance through a targeted blend of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques.

2. Receive a customized
self-practice routine.
At the end of the programme, we will send you a 10-minute daily self-practice tailored to your needs.

3. Start your 30-day
self-practice at home.
Practice for 10 minutes each day to consolidate your success.
Our Stress Less, Choose Happiness course curriculum is made up of a targeted blend of self-empowering techniques handed down by experts of yoga, meditation, and pranayama, a yogic form of breathwork. The instructor of this course, Bettina Maul, a.k.a. Amodini, has years of experience teaching these techniques to her students, and has pinpointed those best suited to relieving stress.
Our holistic approach covers all aspects of your being: your body, your mind, and your breath. Once these elements are in alignment, everything else falls into place. Read more about our three course curriculum modules.
The breath is the bridge between our bodies and minds. Bringing awareness to how we breathe sets the foundation for both physical and mental relaxation. Some people are surprised by the notion that awareness of our breath is so important, since breathing is an automatic process. But what is the natural rhythm of your breath when you’re truly relaxed? How are you breathing each day, and how is this affecting your body and mind? In this module you’ll learn the answers to these questions and practice a variety of calming breathing techniques.
Awareness of the body goes hand in hand with training the mind. For this module of the course, you don’t need to be flexible, strong, or any particular size or shape. What you’ll learn isn’t about fancy poses. It’s about developing an intimate awareness of every part of your body and using this awareness to gain insight on how you can shed physical and emotional stress. **Note: If you are unwell, can’t practice yoga, or simply wish not to do so, you can skip participating in this module. However, the videos will always be there for you to explore their benefits.**
Meditation is key to developing awareness of the body and mind, though the practice itself is often misunderstood. Meditation is not simply about closing the eyes and zoning out. It is a tool for training the mind, just as you’d train your body at the gym. The practice does not have to be spiritual in nature unless you decide to take it there. In this module, we’ll clear up some common misconceptions about meditation and practice a variety of time-honored techniques so you can identify what suits you best.
After you’ve completed each module, you’ll be able to choose your favorite technique from each; one type of breathwork, one aspect of yoga, and one type of meditation. Amodini is here to help assist you in any way possible during this process. This combination of tools will serve as the basis for your daily 10-minute self-practice, which we encourage you to continue for at least 30 days upon completion of the course. All it takes is 10 minutes a day!
Why 30 days? It’s said that if we can do something for 21-28 consecutive days, it becomes a habit, and it’s easier to stick to a habit than it is to break it. So we ask that you commit to following your self-practice routine for 30 days, without skipping a single day.
And why only 10 minutes? Well, if you’re too amibitious in the beginning and start with 20 minutes, you might end up getting burnt out too quickly. We have a tendency to put more on our plate than we can actually manage. So for the first 30 days after completion of the program, stick to just 10 minutes daily. The only way to get results is to practice on a daily basis.
If you don’t get the results you’re hoping for, just show us that you’ve gone through all the modules for a full refund. At Amodini we’re committed to our 100% money-back guarantee. We’re confident, however, that this program will give you the tools to create an oasis of peace, creativity, and fearlessness in your life. Are you ready to commit to 10 minutes a day for 30 days?
Watch three videos as a pre-view to get an idea of what to expect.
De-stress, get happy, and stay happy.
100% Money-Back Guarantee
New registrations for the STRESS LESS ONLINE COURSE will be possible from July 2024. Stay tuned.